Welcome to the Brilliant Light Power Wiki[]
Brilliant Light Power (formerly Blacklight Power) is the privately held company founded by Dr. Randell Mills to commercialize inventions and intellectual property that are derived from his Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics (GUTCP). The 2000 page theory claims to be the first to unify all forces and explain all physical phenomena under a framework of Classical Physics that rejects the probability waves and spookiness of Quantum Mechanics as errors perpetuated by misinterpretations of experiment. For the description of what physical laws are encompassed by the term "Classical Physics" see the Fact Sheet
These pages were created to provide a factual based assessment of the claims of Randell Mills, his Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics and the developments occurring at Brilliant Light Power, a private company with a capitalization of approximately $USD125 million. In part these pages are intended to compensate for the lack of independent or accurate information in the Wikipedia entry of BrLP, where there appears to be clear bias against the Company and its founder and clearly fraudulent misrepresentation by anonymous editors of the Brilliant Light Power entry within Wikipedia in clear breach of Wikipedia's own guidelines. It is understood that Brilliant Light Power is currently suing Wikipedia and/or its editors for defamation.
This website has no business relationship with anyone associated with Brilliant Light Power and receives no funding or other support from them. This page is supported entirely by volunteers, interested in expanding their knowledge of GUTCP.
This page contains multiple articles. Jump to:
The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics;
This Wiki is meant to host all factual information, favorable and unfavorable, as it relates to these topics. The only expectations are that the material is sourced and the contributor can demonstrate a level of understanding regarding the company, GUTCP theory, and/or Randell Mills.
For the most direct and up-to-date information about Brilliant Light Power, visit their website. The GUTCP can be easily accessed through a streaming version or the January 2023 version can be downloaded in full here.
Supplemental Pages (submitted by participants)
- Fact Sheet (Math-free introduction to GUTCP and SunCell facts.)
- Why bother with GUTCP (A skeptic's introduction on why this site is worth spending some time on.)
- Reference Workpage (Bibliography)
- Brilliant Light Power Videos
- Transcript (Dr. Mills' explanation of the hydrino and excited state radii.)
- Transcript (Dr. Mills' 28 January 2016 Demonstration)
- Summary of Pair Production (Jeff Driscoll)
- Space-time Fourier Primer
[Pages may be added using the Contribute button above.]
Dr. Randell Mills[]
"[The following verified information was originally published on the wikipedia site as a biographical entry for "Randell Mills". That entry was deleted by wikipedia editors and searching in wikipedia for Randell Mills redirects to the hacked, outdated, locked and misleading wikipedia entry for "Brilliant Light Power.]
Randell Lee Mills was born on September 3, 1957.
From 1973 - 1985 he served as CEO and General Partner of Mills Brothers Grain Company whilst undertaking his studies.
He attended Franklin and Marshall Collegein Pennsylvania where he graduated Summa Cum Laude, B.A. in 1982. He was a member of the Black Pyramid Honor Society[1]and the Phi Beta Kappa National Honour Society where he was the only Junior invited to join in that year[2]. He received the Willig Pentathlon Prize in Chemistry, one of the oldest and most prestigious awards in chemistry first established in 1912 which is awarded to the senior major who scores the highest on an exam covering the General, Analytical, Organic, Inorganic, and Physical areas of Chemistry. The name of each recipient is placed on a plaque and the student receives the income from the endowment established by Herman Luther Willig.[3]
He also received the Michael A. Lewis Memorial Prize in Physics[4], the Isaac E. Roberts Biology Award[5], the Rawnsley Science Award, the Morgan D. Person Prize in Chemistry, the Fredrick C. Schiffman Award in Chemistry and the Theodore Alexander Saulnier Award in Chemistry.
On the basis of his outstanding academic achievements in Chemistry and Physics Mills was accepted into Harvard Medical School where by 1986 he had completed the prestigious medical degree in only 3 years. At Harvard Medical School he was mentored by Dr. Carl Walter, a professor of surgery and a prolific inventor and researcher in his own right who encouraged Mills to focus on invention and commercialization. During his medical internship year Mills took additional classes at MIT to further his education where he studied electrical engineering under Professor Hermann Haus. Mills interest in the Free Electron Laser and possible applications under the Reagan Administration's Star Wars Missile defense program, caused Haus to provide Mills with his paper on the classical basis for the radiation observed from the free electron laser. Haus' application of Fourier Transforms to model classical radiation from electrons inspired Mills to apply similar principles to the formulation of a classical basis for the observed lack of radiation from the hydrogen atom which led him to develop a purely classical model of the electron and its behavior. In turn this led Mills to predict a means of destabilizing an electron with the emission of copious amounts of energy and the formation of a "below ground" state electron he called a hydrino.
In 1985, Mills was the Founder and President of Mills Technologies and later the Founder and President of Luminide Pharmaceutical Corporation.
In 1988 Dr. Mills began working on what was to become the Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics, spending about a year on the development of the theory to the point where he began to conduct experiments to support his conclusions.
Around the same time he also filed patents on medical treatments for cancer being "System and method for providing localized Mössbauer absorption in an organic medium" which was filed on 27 May 1988 and published on 3 January 1996 and "Luminide and macroluminide class of pharmaceuticals" which was filed on 31 March 1989 and published on 19 October 1989; "Apparatus providing diagnosis and selective tissue necrosis" Filing date 27 May 1988 and published May 24, 1989; "Method and apparatus for selective irradiation of biological materials" Filing date 19 Mar 1986 and published 31 August 1994; "Prodrugs for selective drug delivery" Filing date 4 Dec 1989 and published 27 June 27, 1995; as well as Magnetic susceptibility imaging Filing date 8 Nov 1989 and published 24 Jan 1996.
From 1991 he was the Founder and President of HydroCatalysis Power Corp which would later be renamed to BlackLight Power Inc. in recognition of the intense UV light produced by hydrino transitions. During the 1990's Mills formulated a Grand Unified Theory that applied the principles of classical physics to all phenomenon across all scales of matter and energy and began filing patents on technology applications that arose from predictions and experimental results of his Theory in additional to publishing or seeking to publish numerous peer reviewed papers.
in 1995, he was the only scientist in the World to correctly predict the accelerating expansion of the Universe in advance of the experimental evidence confirming that claim. Mills 1995 edition of his theory set out his conclusion that an accelerating expansion was due to the conservation of spacetime required by the rate of matter converting to energy. Years later two independent research groups were awarded the Nobel Prize for proving the accelerating expansion. Mills clear prediction was overlooked and an intangible, inexplicable "dark energy" that cannot be observed or detected was declared responsible by Mainstream scientists. He also predicted a Universe that cycles between matter and energy and back again over a trillion year cycle that negates the need for a Big Bang and also predicted the existence of large scale structures in the very early Universe that have since been imaged by the James Webb telescope and should not exist in Big Bang cosmology.
In 2015 Dr. Mills renamed the Company to Brilliant Light Power reflecting an increase in power density of the hydrino reactions that results in a brilliant plasma capable of emitting blackbody radiation that could be utilised by photovoltaic cells for direct conversion to electricity.
A current list of granted USPTO patents and patent applications can be found at the uspto website under a search for Mills-Randell-Lee and inventor.
As of May 2023 Mills continues working at Brilliant Light power on energy and chemical applications arising from the theoretical predictions of GUTCP including the ongoing development of the Suncell. The Suncell is a reactor that converts the radiated energy from the high temperature plasma created from hydrino transitions directly to electricity using transparent quartz reactor walls surrounded by concentrator photovoltaic cells. Mills presented at GEM 2023 Boston 6-8 March on the Suncell as a Breakthrough Zero-CO2 Distributed Power Source.
Peer Reviewed Publications[]
Power Determination and Hydrino Product Characterization of Ultra-low Field Ignition of Hydrated Silver Shots - R. Mills, Y. Lu, R. Frazer, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 56, (2018), pp. 1667-1717.
Mechanism of Soft X-ray Continuum Radiation from Low-Energy Pinch Discharges of Hydrogen and Ultra-low Field Ignition of Solid Fuels – R. Mills, Y. Lu, Plasma Science and Technology, Volume 19, Number 9. Published 26 July 2017. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa7383
Soft X-ray Continuum Radiation from Low-Energy Pinch Discharges – R. Mills, R. Booker, Y. Lu, J. Plasma Physics, Vol. 79 (2013) 489–507. DOI: 10.1017/S0022377812001109.
Time-Resolved Hydrino Continuum Transitions with Cutoffs at 22.8 nm and 10.1 nm – R. Mills, Y. Lu, The European Physical J. D, Vol. 64 (2011), Issue 1, pp 65-72. DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2011-20246-5
Substantial Doppler Broadening of Atomic-Hydrogen Lines in DC and Capacitively Coupled RF Plasmas – K. Akhtar, J.E. Scharer, R.L. Mills, 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 42, Issue 13, 135207 (12pp), doi:10.1088/0022-3727/42/13/135207.
High-Power-Density Catalyst Induced Hydrino Transition (CIHT) Electrochemical Cell – R. Mills, J. Lotoski, J. Kong, G. Chu, J. He, J. Trevey, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 39 (2014), pp. 14512–14530, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.06.153.
Catalyst Induced Hydrino Transition (CIHT) Electrochemical Cell – R.L. Mills, X. Yu, Y. Lu, G Chu, J. He, J. Lotoski, Int. J. Energy Res., published online December 20, 2013, 25 pages; doi: 10.1002/er.3142
Solid Fuels that Form HOH Catalyst – R. Mills, J. Lotoski, W. Good, J. He, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 39 (2014), pp. 11930-11944 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.05.170.
Design for a BlackLight Power Multi-Cell Thermally Coupled Reactor Based on Hydrogen Catalyst Systems - R. Mills, G. Zhao, W. Good, M. Nansteel, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 36 (2012) 778-788. DOI: 10.1002/er.1834.
Continuous Hydrino Thermal Power System, R. Mills, G. Zhao, W. Good, Applied Energy, Vol. 88, (2011) 789-798. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2010.08.024
Total Bond Energies of Exact Classical Solutions of Molecules Generated by Millsian 1.0 Compared to Those Computed Using Modern 3-21G and 6-31G* Basis Sets – R. Mills, B. Holverstott, W. Good, N. Hogle, A. Makwana, Physics Essays, Vol. 23, No. 1, (2010), pp. 153-199.
Submitted Papers[]
Distinguishing electron paramagnetic resonance signature of molecular hydrino
Other Documents[]
This section contains all other documents authored by Dr. Randell Mills, recording the fact of his authorship and the existence of such papers, including if possible the date of authorship.
Master List of over 100 Publications
[Dr. Mills' rebuttal of Rathke regarding hydrinos]
Brilliant Light Power[]
Brilliant Light Power Inc of Cranbury, New Jersey is a private energy and R&D company founded by Dr. Randell Mills in 1991 under the name of HydroCatalysis Power Corp. The name was later changed to Blacklight Power due to the observed emission of intense UV light from the processes developed by the company. On 18 November 2015 the name was changed to Brilliant Light Power to reflect an observed increase in the power density and plasma.
The company conducts research in the fields of energy and novel chemistry with the intention of developing products and licensing the production of electrical energy through a proprietary new energy source that will provide cheap and clean power. The science that led to this discovery is based on Mills' original contention that the quantum mechanical model of the electron as simultaneously a dimensionless mathematical point and a probability wave that is everywhere until measured is non-physical and wrong and could not explain the stability of hydrogen or even the property of spin.
Instead Mills proposes that the objectively observable properties of the electron require it to be a real, two dimensional object that when bound to a proton deforms into what he calls an orbitsphere- a spherical shell modeled as a series of great circle current loops that forms an enclosed resonator cavity that can absorb and emit specific photons. The absorption and emission of photons by the orbitpshere alters its radius as well as the kinetic energy contained in its current pattern of moving charge that reflects the true nature of spin. As Mills model of the electron explains the radius and stability of hydrogen as a simple balancing of classical forces, the model also predicted a simple means of inducing the electron of the hydrogen atom to collapse into additional stable states below the so-called ground state. Although further energy cannot be lost from this state via photon emission due to its stability, the resonant removal of energy from hydrogen by a catalyst can destabilize those forces and induce the collapse of the electron orbitsphere with the emission of significant amounts of energy. Mills calls such states "hydrinos" and predicts they do not absorb or emit light except during their formation and are the dark matter of the Universe.
Mills puts forward his rationale in "The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics" (GUTCP)[6], which he has made available as a free download. The GUTCP is the theoretical source for Brilliant Light Power's experimental and engineering research.[7]
This theory directly opposes quantum mechanics and the standard model by proposing that Classical Physics applies at all levels, from the scale of quarks to the entire Universe, with unifying equations that only use integer values and fundamental constants. Despite highly accurate predictions that match experimental results, Dr. Mills has been vehemently opposed by some members of the Theoretical Physics and Quantum Mechanical establishments who have become aware of his claims that Quantum Mechanics is deeply flawed.[6] [8] Mills and his Theory have however received support from many researchers who have actually visited Brilliant Light Power or attempted to replicate the actual experiments for themselves. (See "Validations" below.)
Dr. Mills has never shied away from challenging quantum mechanics as invalid[6] and non-physical, stating as early as 1991:
"I acknowledge that quantum mechanics is strongly entrenched, but even the founding scientists were not convinced of its validity. Quantum mechanics was only begrudgingly accepted over a period of decades, and after decades of development, quantum mechanical theory is plagued with inconsistencies. My theory of the one-electron atom is derived from first principles, predicts four quantum numbers (including spin), and is consistent with experimentation. Quantum mechanics is based on postulates and fails to predict spin. I do not accept incumbency as a validation of scientific argument. Each prediction should be tested against experimentation without prejudice of quantum mechanical preconceptions."[9]
From 1991 to May 2023 BrLP has published detailed papers on the process that should enable any party that wishes to do so to replicate the findings. In December 2017, it unveiled a video of an electrical arc discharge through a coated wire in a water vapor atmosphere to create large amounts of a self assembling web like molecular hydrino polymer. In December 2018 the technology was said to have been showcased to US Department of Defense scientists. Numerous prototypes have been developed and hydrinos isolated and analysed from the metal residues after extended operation.
Most recently the company has displayed video of its transparent quartz reactor filled with a bright plasma
Several scientists and researchers have been prepared to endorse the theory or validate the experimental results. These include inter alia:
- Dr. Reinhart Engelmann, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology;
- Shelby T. Brewer, former Assistant Secretary of Energy (dec.);
- Dr Günther Landvogt, retired scientist, Philips Research Lab;
- Dr. John J. Farrell, Franklin & Marshall College;
- W. Henry Weinberg - A professor of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Applied Physics at California Institute of Technology for eighteen years, a professor of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Materials Science at University of California, Santa Barbara for six years, and co-founder and CTO of Symyx Technologies for 13 years;
- Dr. K. V. Ramanujachary - Professor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Rowan University. Chary has extensive expertise in materials science and collaborates with world renowned battery and materials science groups. Chary participated in prior independent validation studies measuring energy from solid fuels and validating Hydrino® containing chemical samples;
- Dr. Nick Glumac - Mechanical Science and Engineering Department, University of Illinois;
- Dr. Gil Crouse - Professor at Auburn University;
- Dr. Terry Copeland - former manager of product development for several electrochemical and energy companies including DuPont Company and Duracell;
- Redacted - 3 person research team report from a Fortune 500 Company;
- Dr. James K. Pugh & Dr Ethirajulu of Enser Corporation;
- Dr. Johannes Conrads (dec.) - former director of the Institute for Low Temperature Plasma Physics at Ernst Moritz Arndt University in Greifswald, Germany;
- Prof. Richard Maas (dec.) - A graduate of Bucknell University, Maas earned a master’s degree in chemistry from Western Carolina University and a master’s degree in public health and a doctorate in environmental chemistry from UNC Chapel Hill. He joined UNCA as an assistant professor, moving up through the ranks to become a full professor in the Department of Environmental Studies in 1998. Maas was chair of the department from 1996 to 2002;
- Prof. Randy Booker - Professor of Physics, University North Carolina Ashville, PhD and MA from Duke University, BA from Rice University. Dr. Booker has served as Physics Department Chair at UNCA. Dr. Booker reviewed the theoretical work of Dr. Mills in addition to validating spectroscopy and calorimetry experiments;
- Dr. Peter Jansson - Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bucknell University, PhD from University of Cambridge, BA from MIT. Dr. Jansson has expertise in the research and development of electric power system fundamentals, sustainability, new energy technology systems, renewable and advanced electric power systems, smart grid technology, electronics, and hybrid/electric transportation and grid storage;
- Prof. Wilfred Hagen, Emeritus Professor of Enzymology, Delft University of Technology; Department of Biotechnology. Hagen has authored over 311 research papers and has an expertise in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). EPR is claimed to be able to detect hydrino/dark matter signatures due to the paramagnetic nature of molecular hydrino.
The Company has also attracted several public and corporate figures to its Advisory Board including:
- Roger S. Ballentine, CEO of Green Strategies Inc.;
- William Beck, the Managing Director and Global Head of Engineering and Sustainability Services Credit Suisse
- Dr. Ray Gogel– President, Avanti Enterprises;
- Matt Key – Commercial Director Charge.auto;
- Bill Maurer – SVP ABM Industries;
- Jeffrey S. McCormick – Chairman and Managing General Partner of Saturn;
- Bill Palatucci – Special Counsel Gibbons Law;
- Colin Bannon – Chief Architect BT Global Services;
- Michael Harney – Managing Director, BTIG;
- Phil Johnson – Former SVP – Intellectual Property Policy & Strategy of Johnson & Johnson – Law Department, Former SVP and Chief Intellectual Property Counsel of Johnson & Johnson;
- Stan O’Neal – Formerly Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc., Former Board Member of General Motors, Currently on the Board of Arconic;
- R. James Woolsey – is a former Director of the CIA under President Bill Clinton and a holder of numerous leadership roles under both Republican and Democratic presidencies. Currently he is a national security and energy specialist, is the Chancellor of the Institute of World Politics and Chair of both the Leadership Council of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and the United States Energy Security Council. He is also a Venture Partner with Lux Capital and chairs the Strategic Advisory Group of the Paladin Capital Group, a multi-stage private equity firm. He is a frequent contributor of articles to major publications, and gives public speeches and media interviews on the subjects of energy, foreign affairs, defense, and intelligence.
- Chris Hayes - is the founder and managing partner of Alturus, a private equity firm that develops, owns and operates sustainable infrastructure projects for the Fortune 1000. He was a founder and managing partner at Altenex, acquired by Edison International (NYSE: EIX) in 2015.The company closed $5Bn in clean energy transactions and is credited as the inventor of the “virtual power purchase agreement” which created the market for off-site renewable energy purchased by Corporations. He currently sits on several boards including XL Fleet (NYSE: XL) which is a leader provider of electric vehicles.
In addition, Mills and his theory have been endorsed by architect and author, Brett Holverstott, who spent several years working at the Company with Dr. Mills and has written a book on his experiences entitled "Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy". Mr. Holverstott's book is prefaced by environmental and climate change campaigner Mr. Kert Davies, founder and director of Climate Investigations Center and former research director at Greenpeace. Mr. Davies has also presented in conjunction with Mills on the need for breakthrough technology to avert the negative effects of climate change. Mr. Davies has since joined Brilliant Light Power's Advisory Board.
AS at 2023 Brilliant Light Power has received an estimated $150 million in private funding from sophisticated investors[10]. Some critics have complained that forward looking statements anticipating commercialization in the short term have not yet resulted in a saleable product.[8] Mills response is that the company is small, privately funded, and consistently plowing new ground with engineering applications previously under development superseded in priority by developments in theory and experimentation that will yield improved chances of commercial acceptance.[11]
Brilliant Light Power has conducted multiple public demonstrations of electricity generation. The first used a process called Solid Fuel - Catalyst Induced Hydrino Transition (SF-CIHT) which used water as the only expendable product. Engineering firms were retained to build and test a commercial prototype called a "SunCellTM" which was slated for delivery late 2014 to first quarter 2015.[10] No commercial prototypes eventuated at that time as the primary design continued to be modified to take advantage of what appeared to be a much higher power density that was destructive of the refractory metal components of the original design. On 28 January 2016 Brilliant Light Power completed their fourth public demonstration of SunCell technology. This event showed a prototype of a SunCell without the photo-voltaic cells to convert the generated light energy to electricity. A video of the demonstration is available on the Brilliant Light Power website and here.
Another demonstration was held on 28 June 2016 followed by an off site replication on 20 July 2016 at a then undisclosed engineering firm, where the hydrino reactions initiated by an arc current and hydrated molten metal forced between refractory metal electrodes vaporized the tungsten electrodes initiating the electric arc (tungsten boiling point of 6203K) and burned through the molybdenum shielding.
A further demonstration was held on 26 October 2016 where an updated commercial design of the Suncell was unveiled using two recyclinge molten silver electrodes to carry the arc current, a carbon graphite reactor shell and the observation of a hydrino "boiler" mode whereby hydrino reactions were sustainable in the absence on input power based on the silver vapour pressure and input hydrogen alone. Engineering firms Columbia Tech of Coghlin Companies Inc and Masimo semiconductors were unveiled as the partners assisting in the delivery of the commercial design and photovolatic systems to be incorporated into the Suncell design.
A roadshow presentation of the commercial design was held on 6 December 2016 in Washington DC followed by the announcement on 13 December 2016 of the the members of an advisory Board to assist in commercialisation, naming several senior industry executives including Colin Bannon from BT (British Telecommunications) , Bill Maurer from ABM Industries, Ray Gogel, former President of Current Group and US Grid Co., Matt Key, CEO of everynet with three additional executives from the Telecoms, Finance and Legal professions.
A second roadshow presentation was held in London, England on 16 December 2016 followed by a third updated roadshow held at ABM Industries Irvine, California on February 28th 2017 from 2-4pm PST.
On 27 February 2017, Dr. Mills presented a lecture on his theory and technology to students of Fresno State.
On 12 September 2017, Dr Mills presented at the Society for Cable & Telecoms Engineers Energy 2020 conference in Denver, CO. The pdf file of his presentation revealed for the first time the potential integration of a Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generator into the Suncell as a direct conversion technology commensurate with the ability of the Suncell through hydrino reactions to create a high temperature and highly ionised conducting silver plasma.
On 1 December 2017, BrLP released a video of a wire being detonated by an arc current resulting in a smoky vapor which coalesced into extremely light macroscopic filaments that floated freely in air or could be collapsed into a web like residue. The web is claimed to comprise molecular hydrino H(1/4)2 within a metal hydroxide cage that forms a polymeric chain with the filaments and their properties not being consistent with any known form of the constituents of the original wire. If correct, this video demonstrates for the first time the mass production of hydrinos into a condensate form that can be distributed for analysis and testing and may finally prove the existence of hydrinos and their identity as dark matter.
Between 2018 and 2023, Brilliant Light Power has continued to refine its approaches and engineering. A promising demonstration of an immersed Suncell water heater that ran for over 100 hours was abandoned when it became clear that conduction and convection could not remove energy fast enough from the hydrino plasma to prevent the short term failure of reactor walls. As a result the Company currently aims to engineer a fully electric generator that contains a 3000-5000K plasma in a transparent quartz cell where the energy is able to be efficiently radiated to concentrator photovoltaic cells for direct conversion to electricity.
As of August 2023 several videos of a transparent quartz Suncell emitting a bright light during testing have been posted but the mating of a dense photovoltaic array and publication of conversion efficiencies has not yet publicly occurred.
References (BLP Article)[]
(see Combined References)
External Links[]
Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics[]
The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics describes all physical processes and phenomena in the universe, from the scale of quarks to the Cosmos, using only classical formulas describing the propagation of electromagnetic waves, gravity and relativity, together with simple, well-known physical constants. Starting with the well-known classical laws, elegant and self-consistent formulas can be derived for everything from the energy levels of molecules to the accelerating expansion of the universe.
Origin of the Theory[]
During his intern year of his Harvard medical degree in 1985, Mills took extra classes at MIT, with a particular interest in free electron lasers and any commerical applications that could arise from their application under the Reagan Administration's Strategic Defense Initiative. He was provided with a draft paper by his then Electrical Engineering Professor, Hermann Haus that provided the proof of a classical basis for the radiation observed from electrons from the free electron laser.[12] Dissatisfied by what he perceived as the postulated stability of the hydrogen atom by the incumbent theory of Quantum Mechanics, which has no physical basis for the stability of a negatively charged point electron undergoing radial acceleration around a positively charged proton, Mills investigated whether a classical description for non-radiation based on Maxwell's Equations could be adapted from the Haus paper to provide a physical basis for the stability of hydrogen in the ground state.
His conclusion was that, while a point charge undergoing acceleration must radiate, an extended distribution of charge undergoing acceleration doesn't have to radiate. For such a model to be consistent, physical and conform to observation, the electron had to be an extended, two dimensional, indivisible membrane composed of negatively charged current loops that, when captured by the charge of a proton, could alter its shape to fully enclose the proton in what Mills termed an "orbitsphere".
The proton and surrounding electron orbitsphere form a dynamic resonator cavity that is stable once the positive field of the proton is balanced by the mass, charge, angular momentum, and kinetic energy of the electron orbitsphere. Like any resonator cavity, the orbitsphere is able to capture photons of discrete energies, which is the physical basis for quantization, and once captured, the intrinsic electric fields of such photons alter the the force balance that exists between the proton and electron. Although Quantum Mechanics does not account for the role of the photon inside the atom nor properly explain the kinetic energy and spin of a bound electron, it is the combination of the properties of the nucleus, electron orbitsphere and the trapped photon that determines the radius of the electron shell and its ionization energies.
Photons contain inertial mass and electric fields. When photons are captured by matter such as hydrogen atoms, the mass of the trapped photon is added to the overall mass of the atom and the electric field of the trapped photon superimposes with and reduces the effect of the proton's charge. In the case of excited states where the atom absorbs photons, the physical radius of the electron orbitsphere will increase by 2, 3, 4 etc. as the trapped photon reduces the central field to 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc. These excited states are fractional and therefore unstable and will radiate back to the first stable state with an integer field.[13] When absorbed photons increase the radius of the electron until it is ionized, it becomes a free electron, which in the absence of external fields that affect its curvature, reverts to the shape of a disc.
The radius of a free electron disc is dependent on its velocity, and acceleration of a free electron disc to very high speeds in particle accelerators reduces its radius such that an electron may appear point-like in such experiments despite its extended two dimensional structure. Mills also proposes that the properties of electrons in superfluid helium are experimental proof of its extended nature, with the free electrons forming spherical orbitspheres that do not contain a nucleus in the gaps between the helium atoms.[14] Such nucleus-free electron orbitspheres can still capture specific photons and, as a result, are observed to act as fractional charge carriers due to the superposition of photon and electron fields, wrongly interpreted by Quantum Mechanics as the electron splitting into pieces.
It is important to note that QM, or any other theory, cannot accurately calculate the ionization energies of anything other than hydrogen and has no explanation for what spin actually is. In contrast Mills has used GUTCP to calculate the ionization energies of complex atoms containing up to 20 electrons using only fundamental constants and integer values that closely matches the experimental data. This amazing feat which is powerful proof of the utility of the theory has been simply glossed over by critics, who claim that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of Quantum Mechanics means Mills could not do what he has actually done. The refusal to engage with Mills as well as hostile pronouncements against the Company, including some by Nobel prize winners who cannot accept that QM is wrong or incomplete, has been touted by some as proof that GUTCP is not correct. However that view is not supported by any objective scientific evidence in counterbalance to the experimental evidence that Mills has accumulated. In practice it has merely meant that BrLP has had no support or assistance in the development of its technology for over 25 years.
The Nature of Gravity[]
The two dimensional nature of fundamental particles also explains the atomic origin of gravity. It is the positive curvature of fundamental particles bound in matter like quarks and electrons that give rise to a gravitational field. Experimental observations by Witteborn et al that the free electron appeared to have no gravitational mass- a result that lends support to Mills predictions- were simply explained away by Witteborn at the time as being due to a counterbalancing "sag" of electrons in the metallic shielding. Mills asserts that Witteborn's experimental observations were in fact correct and the free electron has no gravitational mass due to its lack of curvature, further noting that the binding energies of electrons in metals were far greater than the force exerted by gravity, meaning no such sag could occur.
The theory also raises the tantalizing possibility of inducing negatily curvature of fundamental particles like electrons which can be bound into a state that would be repelled by a gravitational field- what the theory calls a pseudoelectron. It is suggested by Mills that negatively curved electron currents may also manifest in Nature as vertical electron currents observed above thunderstorms, in the massive electron jets expelled from the poles and gravity wells of of Black holes and possibly in electron beams arising from energetic processes in the Sun. Mills proposes that predicted pseudoelectrons could be experimentally derived and measured by free state electrons binding gamma photons in a gravitational field or alternatively inelastically colliding relativistic beams of electrons with specific ions that result in the formation of pseudoelectrons during which which mass, energy and gravitational potential energy are all conserved. A definitive experiment to prove the viability of this particular prediction of the theory remains to be publicly demonstrated. If proved correct, such technology would be transformational to the aerospace industry and exploration of the solar system which remains elusive and unsafe due to the limitations of conventional rocketry. Mills has filed patent applications on the means of generating pseodoelectrons and their application in aerospace craft.
Prediction of Hydrino States[]
The model has attracted most attention for its claim that what Quantum Mechanics postulates as the "ground state" is not the lowest energy state of hydrogen. While the electron orbitsphere of the ground state of hydrogen is stable and cannot emit light to get closer to the proton, it was predicted by Mills that atoms, ions or molecules that can ionise or disassociate on receipt of a specific resonant energy transfer from atomic hydrogen could serve to remove energy contained in the electric fields of the proton and electron.
While an excited state of hydrogen is formed by absorbing an external photon which superimposes and reduces the central field of the proton via its intrinsic electric field causing an increase in the radius of the electron orbitsphere, the loss of energy from the "ground state" orbitsphere by a resonant transfer process results in a different type of trapped photon. This trapped photon has an intrinsic electric field that superimposes and ADDS an integer value to the central field of the proton. A simpler way to think of the process is that the resonant transfer of energy to the catalyst subtracts a negative component of energy from the electron orbitsphere of the H atom resulting in an integer increase to the positive component of the central field.
The integer increase in the central field disrupts the force balance between the proton and electron which will collapse closer to the proton emitting detectable continuum radiation and increasing the kinetic energy of the orbitsphere until the increase in kinetic energy contained in the electron's current pattern is stably balanced by the increased charge and reduction of the radius - this is the hydrino state: stable to radiation, unable to absorb or emit radiation other than in transitions between hydrino states, and with gravitation effects similar to hydrogen, making it the best candidate so far for the dark matter that makes up most of the mass of the Universe. It is also likely to be the cause of solar flares, as re-connection between solar magnetic fields containing protons and electrons, form pinched high density pockets of hydrogen that can act as multi-body catalysts, forming transient high energy pockets of expanding plasma that can burst the containing fields and eject solar material into space.
Hydrino transitions can be effected only by resonance between catalyst atoms, ions or molecules with ionization and dis-associative energies that equal integer multiples of 27.2eV, in a similar manner to that outlined by well known Forster theory in which an excited state donor atom couples to and transfers energy to a matched receptor atom that is able to receive that same amount of energy. The removal of exactly 27.2eV of energy is the amount of energy to form a trapped photon inside the orbitsphere that acts as a +1 increase in charge which superimposes with the charge of the proton. Integer multiples of 27.2eV cause integer increases in the positive charge.
Following the loss of this energy, the formation of a trapped photon and the increase in the central positive field, hydrogen forms an intermediate state at the same radius followed by an increase in radial acceleration of the electron structure as it moves closer to the proton with a concurrent increase in the kinetic energy of the current loops that make up the electron's structure and the emission of continuum radiation as the energy contained in the fields between the original and final radius is converted to energy. Force balance is again reached when the collapsed hydrogen atom forms what Mills terms a hydrino state, which is both stable to radiation and cannot absorb or emit radiation OTHER than as it moves between hydrino states. Mills proposes that such hydrino states are the identity of dark matter, and their transitions occur in the Sun as the transient but highly energetic source of coronal heating that causes solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Hydrino transition spectral lines also occur in the interstellar medium and can be detected from galaxies, including lines that defy identification with known emission lines but which match predicted hydrino lines.
Mills predicts that there are 136 hydrino states with the physical radius of each state being the ground state radius divided by the hydrino number of 2 to 137. H(1/137) is the smallest possible hydrino that can exist because above H(1/137) the velocity of the current loops in the electron orbitsphere would exceed the speed of light, which in GUTCP is the maximum speed possible. Quantum Mechanics expressly forbids the existence of such hydrino states. Thus if such states exist, Quantum Mechanics will be demonstrated to be completely wrong.
It is further predicted by Mills that the true ground state of H(1/137) can capture a neutrino and transition to gamma rays providing a mechanism for as yet unobserved proton decay. Such gamma rays may result in pair production of electrons and positrons, making such particles a signature of hydrinos/dark matter.
Mills conducted hundreds of experiments prior to applying for the first patent on his claims on 21 April 1989 and has continued to expand upon his original findings and claims to the present day, publishing his findings in peer reviewed journals and developing a company, Brilliant Light Power, to commercialize the production of energy given off by hydrino transitions, which is much greater than chemical energies and therefore represents a new and powerful source of energy not dependent on the extraction of fossil fuels. Although the energy given off in the formation of hydrinos is much less than nuclear energy, it is much greater than chemical energy and may be non-polluting, safe and be obtained cheaply from the environment. In 1990, in conjunction with his former Chemistry Professor John J Farrell, he published the first edition of the Grand Unified Theory containing 140 pages.
Further development of the Theory has expanded in detail upon such matters as the interconversion of matter and energy and its relationship to spacetime expansion and contraction, the origins of gravity at the atomic level based on the curvature of fundamental particles, accurately calculating the energy of formation of molecules based on orbitsphere interactions, predicting in 1995 the accelerating expansion of the Universe before it was experimentally proved in 1998, hydrinos as the identity of dark matter, the identification of hydrino transition lines from the sun, galaxies and interstellar medium.
Water as the source for atomic hydrogen for hydrino transitions[]
The Theory predicts that a single water molecule acts as a hydrino inducing catalyst. Water is regarded as the ash product of burning hydrogen and oxygen, however it possesses a potential energy being the energy required to disassociate the water molecule into its ions 2H+ and O+. This energy is a close match to 81.6eV or a triple integer multiple of 27.2eV. Thus a water molecule in the presence of atomic hydrogen should act as an effective catalyst to form H(1/4) with significant release of energy. However water very easily forms hydrogen bonds with other water molecules and such additional bonds prevent the matching resonance. Accordingly to act as an effective catalyst, nascent or an isolated water molecule must be formed in situ to permit the hydrino resonance to occur.
It was discovered by Mills that significant energy could be released by passing low voltage high current electrical pulses through pellets of hydrated conducting powders resulting in intense light emission and the formation of H(1/4). Water therefore can act both as fuel and catalyst with a liter of water projected to have the same energy producing potential as 100 liters of high octane gasoline. If correct, the Earth has a virtually unlimited source of energy in its oceans that can be tapped cheaply and without pollution for billions of years.
Mills claims that the total energy that is produced by a hydrino transition is set out by the following formula where p is the original hydrino state from 1 to 136 and m is the integer multiple of 27.2eV:
and the spectral signatures that arise from the emission of photons by the hydrino intermediate state:
As an example, to break the water molecule into ions requires 81.6eV which is 3 times 27.2eV. In a resonant energy transfer, H(1/1) will transfer 81.6eV to the water molecule disassociating it into its ions and electrons. The loss of this energy causes the formation of a trapped photon within the hydrogen atom that increases the central field by +3 which forms the intermediate. The intermediate is at the radius of but has a central field of +4. As a result the electron orbitsphere is no longer force balanced and undergoes an increase in acceleration as it changes radius, contracting to which is 1/4 the radius of , and emitting energy and increasing the kinetic energy of the current loops that make up the electron.
The total amount of energy released by this transition is:
of which 81.6eV is given off from the disassociated catalyst as it recaptures electrons as well as continuum radiation emission from the intermediate of:
which can be detected with a cutoff at the shorter wavelength. These characteristic continuum radiation signatures of hydrinos from astronomical sources may be mistaken for the signatures of larger nuclei as they first capture a single electron ("Hydrogen like atoms") due to matching continuum radiation energies and possibly detectable due to the presence of unexpected atom or ion densities and temperatures at celestial locations better explained by hydrino transitions.
Mills has provided samples containing hydrino compounds to third parties for analytical testing and moreover has developed numerous tests using standard lab equipment to detect and categorize hydrinos in physical compounds with obvious differences from ordinary matter due to the increased binding energy of hydrinos. He has produced numerous experiments where repeatable laboratory conditions show spectral lines and continuum radiation matching the hydrino transmissions predicted by the Theory.
The current edition of the book, The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics, September 2016 edition is available online and comprises 1800 pages that, using only Maxwell's Equations and fundamental constants, explain the interrelationships between Electromagnetism, Gravity, Matter, Energy and Spacetime and sets out a unifed set of rules and equations that govern the Universe at all levels, from quarks to the Cosmos.
The Suncell[]
The Suncell is the name given to Brilliant Light Power's electrical generator that uses the energy produced by the collapse of hydrogen atoms to produce a plasma that matches the spectral emission of the Sun but at 50,000 times the energy of the Sun at the Earth's surface. It's development followed the discovery by Dr. Randell Mills and his Company that HOH (an isolated water molecule formed through an arc discharge through a solid fuel) could act as an efficient hydrino catalyst to generate H(1/4) and that the high current low voltage arc also prevented ionic build up which was inhibiting the reaction which was dependent on matched resonance between water and hydrogen that initiated the hydrino transitions. As a result extremely high density energy was repeatedly observed in single detonations of solid fuels. In order to produce a continuously operating electrical generator, the Company began building and testing designs to enable the formation and continual detonation of solid fuels that could be repeatedly recycled.
First Generation Suncell Design
This design worked by continually feeding a conducting powder hydrated with water between rotating, conducting gears that act as electrodes. A low voltage but very high amp current was induced through the hydrated powder contained between the interlocking teeth of the gears which initiated hydrino transitions in a reaction between atomic H and the water. The hydrino transition results in the disassociation of the water molecule into ions and ionizes the conducting powders and collapses the H atom to a H(1/4) hydrino that is one quarter the radius of the ground state and which releases a total of 204eV per each H atom. In contrast, to simply produce hydrogen from water by inputting energy by electrolysis requires 1.48eV.
In addition to electrically detonating the hydrated powder and forming hydrinos, the high current provided a source of electrons that prevented the inhibition of the hydrino reaction caused by the increase of positive ions that distort the resonance between H and H20. Self inhibition of the reaction was a major cause of the lower power density of earlier models that precluded earlier commercialization.
The ions recapture electrons and the conducting powder is reformed and re-hydrated by the addition of water before it is recirculated back between the gears to be detonated again.
The energy produced was mostly in the form of light and matches that of the Sun at the Earth's surface but at 50,000x the intensity. As a result, common, off the shelf photovoltaic cells were considered to convert the intense light directly into electricity using partially transparent mirrors to split the light into intensities capable of being handled by commercially available concentrator photovoltaic cells.
By using gears with 60 teeth rotating at 1000rpm, it was hypothesized that the total power produced would equal 1000 times the average energy produced per ignition.
In February 2015 Dr. Mills stated that:On 7 July 2015, Dr. Mills indicated that the technology had evolved beyond the rotating gear model:"After millions of hours of research and development, we are now showing demonstration devices that produce meaningful electrical power at power densities and projected cost that is competitive with fire. It will take a little more patience to achieve a commercial device. A lot of technology had to be invented and developed. There will be more to come. We are a small private company taking on a challenge that even nations could not achieve. We will be successful."
"The design has gone through many cycles of testing and evolution. Currently it has no moving parts with systems that should last at least 10 to 20 years before replacement with minimum maintenance required. The projected cost is small fraction compared to CPV which may be lower than $100 kW electric. This design should not require years of field tests and redesign. Our plan is to have tested commercial-ready technology before announcing it to the market."[15]
In January 2016 Brilliant Light Power posted an announcement of an invitational public demonstration of the SunCellTM to be held at their facility on 28 January 2016. Concurrent with the announcement, diagrams of the current version of SunCellTM with photos and videos, were posted on the Brilliant Light Power website.
Second Generation Suncell Design
Changes to early designs include abandoning the rotating gears in favor of an electromagnetic pump with no mechanically moving parts. This introduced the conducting molten metals copper and silver into the reactor chamber between two tungsten electrodes. Water vapor was injected into the reaction chamber, and a low voltage high current arc initiated the hydrino transition reactions wherein the molten metals were vaporized and the silver vapor absorbed the UV and EUV light from hydrino transitions to create a black body radiator at 5000K. Instead of using the light from the plasma directly for electricity generation, the design was changed to a Thermovoltaic system, in which the energy from the hydrino transitions was used to heat the reactor walls. The reactor chamber was spherically redesigned and fully contained within an enclosed tungsten sphere which absorbs the energy of the plasma and re-radiates it as light from a black body radiator at 3500K. It was intended that the consistent wavelengths from the tungsten radiator at those temperatures would be matched to off the shelf water cooled concentrator photovoltaic cells (cPVs) fixed to an outer shell that will efficiently convert the emitted wavelengths directly to electricity.
A slow motion video of a prototype gravity fed Suncell reaction chamber was posted to a Brilliant Light Power Vimeo account in January 2016. It shows continual ignition of the molten metals, the production of the silver vapour followed by intensely brilliant light production as the silver vapor cloud absorbs the UV and EUV light produced by the hydrino transitions.
A further video demonstration was held on 28 June 2016 to outline further developments and refinements to the design arising from a new approach in May 2016. An additional change was that hydrogen gas was introduced directly into the SunCellTM (instead of water) and that the molten silver contained an extremely stable oxide (identified as LiVO3) which is reduced inside the reactor by the hydrogen gas to form the H2O catalyst. Other oxides were said to work very well whereas others did not. The oxide recycles when oxygen is released during hydrino reactions that disassociate the H2O molecule.
The June/July 2016 videos show SunCellTM reactors vaporizing their reactors in the intense UV light generated. These appear to be test modules composed of molybdenum shielding with a melting point of 2895 K (which show holes vaporized at the point of reaction as well as vaporization of internal tungsten electrodes). Final designs were said to utilize tungsten shielding (melting point 3687 K) with the reactions confined to a tungsten sphere which will be heated to 3500 degrees. As occurs in tungsten filament light bulbs, halide gas would be intended to separate the sphere from the cPV modules to prevent excessive evaporation of the tungsten over prolonged operation. Other possibilities mentioned were to use materials that reflect unusable wavelengths while permitting wavelengths that can be converted to electricity through to the water cooled cPV cells that are arranged in triangular units to form a geodesic dome.
Following queries by critics as to what the high power claimed by BrLP actually meant, on 24 July 2016 Dr. Mills directly commented on the capabilities of the then SunCell design:"Let's treat the system as a black box with energy in and energy out. The minimum energy input in Joules to heat the reactor and silver and melt the silver to start the reaction is 1 MJ. There is no energy storage mechanism. This energy is conserved as heat that is returned as output as the system cools to room temperature. Additionally, there is a total input power of less than 10 kW to run the electromagnetic pump, the electrode ignition, and the inductively coupled heater. This heat power and energy also comes out in the coolant loop and laboratory to give an energy balance of zero. At the same time there is over 1 MW of hydrino power contribution. The chemical power in is zero since there is no conventional heat producing reaction possible. The hydrino energy output is about 1 MW times the seconds that it runs which will be expected to be over 10 years in a commercial device. But, if we run for one minute before melt down. The hydrino energy output is 1E6 J/s X 60 s = 60 MJ. This is the net black box output. Even given the abbreviated duration due to the lack of using a refractory material cell, the net is 60 times the start up energy which is also recovered/conserved.
The spectroscopic and calorimetric power and energy balances also confirm these high gains.
The important number is the power in and power out under steady state years of operation. The net power is about 1,000,000 W – 10,000 W = 990,000 W. The net energy from the black box in this case is 990,000 J/s times the seconds of operation. For an exemplary ten years, the net energy is
990,000 X 10 yrs X 365 day/yr X 24 hours/day X 60 minutes/hr X 60 seconds/ minute = 3E14 J net from the black box.
In prior plasma approaches, we also made net heat power, but the power gain was small. In most cases, the output power was only about 10% to 30% more than the input. 130% output relative to the input was not competitive with a heat pump, and at least 300% power gain was necessary to output net electricity since the conversion to electricity is about 30% to 40% efficient.
In contrast, the power gain of the SunCell is 10,000%. The massive excess power is obvious by inspection."
However the destructive effect of the hydrino reactions on the electrodes and shielding meant that the current design was nonviable. As Mills put it, the cost of the tungsten electrodes destroyed in seconds exceeded the cost of the electricity generated.
On 02 September 2016 Brilliant Light Power posted a video of a closed SunCellTM running for over one minute. According to the caption of the video, "Closed cell in a sealed chamber having the capability of running 24/7 is now operational. The electrode melting and vaporization problems have been solved as well."
Third generation Suncell Design[]
On 26 October BrLP conducted a further public demonstration with speakers from developmental partners including Columbia Tech and Masimo Semiconductors and potential consumer British Telecom. The Suncell now utilised a carbon graphite shell instead of tungsten and therefore no longer requires a halide gas to prevent tungsten evaporation. To deal with electrode vaporization, the new design incorporated two separate electromagnetic pumps and separate silver reservoirs that project molten silver into the reactor and act as disposable/reformable electrodes for the arc current that triggers the hydrino transitions. Video demonstrations showed prolonged operation of the new system and moreover demonstrated a new "silver boiler" mode where the vaporised silver at pressure maintains the hydrino reactions even in the absence of the arc current and the injection of molten silver- with the only electrical input being an electrolysis cell to generate the hydrogen. The hydrogen from electrolysis is said to diffuse directly into the graphite chamber, whereas the very small, hard to contain non-reactive hydrino molecules diffuse out where they escape to atmosphere and being lighter than air, escape to space where they add to the Universe's inventory of dark matter
During operation the silver vapour inside the reactor was aid to be at 10 atmospheres and this pressure was to be equalised within the outer dome containing the cPVs. Coupling of the cPV cells and conversion of the light emitted by the graphite black body radiator remains to be demonstrated and creation of triangular test units for the geodesic photovoltaic dome has been placed in the hands of Masimo Semiconductors - formerly Spire Semiconductors which had previously achieved high efficiency in concentrator photovoltaics. The first prototype is slated to incorporate 10% efficient cells for proof of principle of operation with the ability to immediately slot in higher efficency cPVs simply by replacing the triangular units.
BrLP has completed two roadshows of its technology, including the commercial prototype design, commercialization timetable and market strategy to an audience of partners, customers and suppliers, in Washington DC on 6 December 2016 followed by London on 16 December 2016. A third updated roadshow was held on 28 February 2017 at ABM Industries Irvine, California.
Fourth Generation Suncell Design[]
An alternate conversion methodology is being considered concurrently with development of the cPV and water heating designs. The Suncell's ability to create a high temperature pressurized silver plasma may lend it self to magnetohydrodynamic conversion in which a conducting plasma or conducting molten metal is blown down a magetised tube with the electrons and silver ions diverted to separate electrodes by a magnetic field. To date MHD designs have failed to find a design that suited their capabilities. It is speculated that highly conductive silver plasma has advantages over all other closed cycle MHD designs to date and may result in a compact and powerful electrical converting device that may have the following advantages:
- the Suncell provides an extremely cheap and powerful plasma
- the highly conductive silver plasma may not require cryogenically cooled superconducting magnets and could instead use strong permanent magnets
- The design is cheap and simple with no moving parts and could be produced at lower cost;
- no need to add and recover a conductive "seed" to and from the plasma as in other MHD systems
- the silver may protect electrodes rather than degrade them as occurs in other MHD systems
- the molten silver could be recirculated back to the Suncell reactor by EM pump so otherwise waste heat could be reused.
While there has been no detailed release of progress, BrLP has released two quarterly updates during 2018. The design appears to have been revamped again to solve engineering issues as they arose. With the target on MHD conversion, the graphite shell black body radiator appears to have been replaced by a single insulating ceramic shell. An MHD test system was built using molten gallium to explore design issues before incorporation into a close Suncell.
A further update on progress has been promised for third quarter 2018.
Developments to April 2023[]
Between 2018 and 2023 the Suncell has been subject to an intense research and development phase to produce commercial prototypes using molten gallium (a liquid metal at room temperature) which permitted the accumulation of data and trials of hundreds of operating parameters. More recently cheaper molten metal electrodes such as tin have been successfully used.
Those efforts resulted in the production of a thermal water heater Suncell capable of running for hundreds of hours without failure. BrLP suggested these were capable of producing 250kW and has produced several videos of large vessels energetically boiling water. Off site public demonstrations of the thermal hot water heaters have been demonstrated.
Following extensive testing, BrLP has now decided to focus solely on an electrical generator using the hydrino generated plasma as a 3000+ degree black body radiator capable of recycling infrared photons (below the bandgap of PVCs) to produce intense light radiated through a fused silica thermal shock tolerant globe capable of efficient conversion by silicon based solar cells. The cPV technology was originally sidelined due to the difficulties of maintaining a refractory metal or ceramic reactor shell at 3000 degrees (the temperature required for efficient CPV) without shell failure in the short term.
As testing of Suncells immersed in water demonstrated that energy could not be transferred by conduction or convection efficiently enough to prevent reactor wall failure, and water cooling of the reactor shell was impeding the efficiency of the hydrino reactions, BrLP is now utilizing a transparent reactor wall as at April 2023 to emit black body radiation directly from the generated plasma. At the high temperatures of Suncell operation (3000K - 5000K) radiation is far more efficient at transferring energy especially at the high temperatures of Suncell operation. The plasma is intended to radiate energy at a rate balanced by its generation from hydrino formation and thus prevent reactor meltdown. The full specs of this approach which BrLP has said involve 40 innovations over previous designs have not been made clear. A public demonstration of the new fully electric design has not yet taken place, although trial runs of the transparent reactor have been posted online.
Millsian is a software program that uses the theory behind GUTCP to accurately model atoms and complex molecules using only two basic equations.
In atoms, the coloumbic field of the nucleus and the diamagnetic (repelling) and paramagnetic (attracting) forces that arise between spin paired or unpaired electrons as they are added to a nucleus, form shells (Atomic Orbitals (AO)) that determine their radii and energies, providing a real, physical basis for the postulated Pauli Exclusion Principle. Unlike Quantum Mechanics, which uses complex algorithms on supercomputers and still fails to solve anything accurately other than the hydrogen atom (1 proton and 1 electron), GUTCP's simple formulas using only closed-form equations and fundamental constants results in the correct prediction of ionization energies that match experimental observations of hundreds of atoms and ions and can be calculated using simple Excel spreadsheets.
In molecules formed of more than one atom, the electrons stretch over two nuclei to form prolate spheroidal shells with the nuclei at the foci, called a Molecular Orbitals (MO). The charge builds up at the ends of the bond, closer to the nuclei, reducing the total energy of the system. The MO shell sometimes completely surrounds the AO shells, but more often bridges between them.
Atoms and bonds are made up of discrete surfaces of negative charge and Millsian is able to calculate and render the exact charge distribution profiles for molecules of any size and complexity.
In smaller molecules the electron's location can be determined specifically such that they can be used as building blocks to instantly solve larger molecules of arbitrary size and complexity on a computer no more powerful than the average desktop PC[16] whereas QM based molecular modelling software requires supercomputers running complex algorithms for long periods of time and delivering inexact results. The shape and charge density of these larger molecules can be determined exactly, permitting Millsian to identify molecular interactions and binding sites critical for biochemistry and drug design more accurately than any other computational chemistry software.
Opposition and Support[]
Dr. Mills began work on what was to become the Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics in 1988, during which he conducted experiments to support his conclusions as to the nature of the electron, its stability and the means to cause changes to the stability of the ground state. He sought his first patent on his discoveries in 1989 and fleshed out a first edition of the Grand Unified Theory in conjunction with Professor of Chemistry John J. Farrell of Franklin and Marshall College which was first published in 1990.
When Dr. Mills first solved all two-electron atoms with an integer formula - something impossible under Quantum Mechanics, he submitted the one and two-electron atom solutions to the prestigious journal, Physical Review. The comments were that the paper seems to be a historical breakthrough, tremendously significant and the Editor asked Dr. Mills to solve three-electron atoms, and if he was successful, he would publish they paper in Physical Review. Dr. Mills solved the three-electron atom problem that had remarkable agreement with experimental values and resubmitted the paper. However the Editor had changed from a European to an American who rejected both the undertaking and the submitted paper, claiming that the solutions violated the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP), which he regarded as an inviolate law of nature. Dr. Mills argued that the HUP is not a law of nature, there are many counter examples, and that the HUP was just a mathematical consequence of the false model of the singularity electron being everywhere at once. The new editor refused to budge from his position. Since then Dr. Mills among other things has exactly solved 20 electron atoms and produced the Excel spreadsheets showing the exact workings based on his Grand Unified Theory.
The Theory was to be overshadowed by the claims of unrelated third parties to have invented cold fusion - nuclear reactions at energies far below that to overcome the coulomb barrier of repulsion. Mills theory predicted that hydrinos and the energy emitted to create them were chemical in nature. Moreover, unlike cold fusion, the experiments that created hydrinos used catalysts that were expressly based on the theory and its predictions and could be reproduced on demand.
In 1991 Dr. Mills held a press conference outlining his theory and its claims which attracted the attention of members of the theoretical physics community that was already instituting a backlash against the claims of cold fusion which appeared unpredictable and moreover did not show any clear sign that nuclear reactions were taking place. Dr. Mills and his company were specifically targeted by name by Prof. Bob Park, who had created and appointed himself to the role of Director of Public Information within the American Physical Society to liaise with politicians and the press to put forward his and Society's positions on science and public policy.
Although not actually investigating Dr. Mills claims, Prof. Park's belief that the ground state was an inviolable fact that must not be challenged caused him to denounce Dr. Mills, his company and the hydrino in an unofficial blog and continued to do so for the next two decades. In addition, he mobilized other physicists, including, Dr. Peter Zimmerman, who then worked for the State Department to "fight back" against "inventors of hydrinos", a policy which was claimed to have had "some success".[17]
In response Dr. Mills accused Prof. Park and others of defamation that included outright and insinuated allegations of criminal conduct that went far beyond permissible difference of theoretical opinions.
When Dr. Mills announced in 2000 that a US patent had been issued on the Blacklight process and that the Company would shortly commence an estimated billion dollar IPO to fund the further development of the technology and its commercialization, a person, believed by most persons to be Prof. Park from his own comments on his blog and from comments from other Park associates[18], privately contacted the director of the Patent Office.
Whatever the contents of that correspondence, to which Mills was given no opportunity to respond, the USPTO took the extraordinary step of un-issuing the granted patent, which had already been paid for and published as having been issued.
Dr. Mills commenced legal action which argued the narrow point that as the patent had paid for and published as issued, it was beyond the power of the Director to reverse at that late stage, a legal argument usually described as "functus officio" where a statutory officer has exercised its statutory power and their role or function is complete and cannot be reopened or re-exercised.) However the Court upheld the right of the Director to take such action even after payment and publication. Following her legal victory, the Director of the USPTO took the opportunity to remove another patent of Dr. Mills from its then examiner and gave it to a different examiner who unsurprisingly immediately rejected it.
Bob Park's associate Peter Zimmerman moved to England in 2004, to became Professor of Science and Security in the Department of War Studies at King's College.
UKPTO & Marchant: Denial of Patent rights: 2008 Determination, Appeal & 2009 redetermination.[]
The blockade established by the USPTO at the request of third parties against granting any and all patents submitted by Dr. Mills and BLP was followed by a similar denial of patent rights in England from 2008. In that year, then Deputy Director Marchant of the UKPTO gave a decision rejecting[19] Blacklight Power's application for a patent. Although DD Marchant did not claim to have received correspondence from theoretical physicists that he should reject the application, he did hold that he was not competent to assess whether the theory upon which the application was based could replace Quantum Mechanics (para 28), that he was not competent to assess the experimental evidence (para 31), and that of the 117 papers submitted by Mills in support of the new theory, he would disregard all and any that he considered were by Mills or linked to BLP, even in the case of contractors, even though such papers provided clear experimental evidence to assess the novel theoretical and practical claims.
As a result out of 117 papers submitted in support, he rejected all except 15 old papers, none of which were current to the claims made and which were mostly heat measurements on outdated electrolytic cells. DD Marchant considered these limited papers did not endorse the theory even though they mentioned the theory and in some cases could not come up with any other explanations for the results other than hydrino transitions (para 34).
The test claimed to be adopted by DD Marchant was to see how GUTCP was received by the physics community "at large". BLP argued the references and papers supplied to the Deputy Director were adequate references to form an objective opinion as to the correctness of the claims based on detailed experimental evidence. Dissatisfied with this, DD Marchant googled the internet finding in his words "skepticism", "fan mail" and "heated dispute" as to what should be said about the theory, which appears in part to be a reference to the contentious wikipedia site - itself the subject of litigation in 2014 for defamation content against Dr Mills and Blacklight Power.
Dr Mills submitted that GUTCP was ignored because of vested interests which DD Marchant considered himself qualified to immediately reject. He considered that based on what he read, scientists willing embrace new ideas as they arise, mentioning string theory and supersymmetry, loop quantum gravity, the Higgs Particle, dark matter and dark energy, modified Newtonian Dynamics, and that unification of the particles and forces could be mapped onto the E8 Lie symmetry group. However most of these are concepts that GUTCP demonstrates to be serious misinterpretations of experimental data, if not completely wrong.
The ultimate test DD Marchant claimed to apply was that the theory should be more likely than not to provide a valid description of atomic systems. Since DD Marchant rejected the atomic models presented by Mills and declared hydrinos did not exist in nature he did not consider the invention of an energy process derived from hydrinos to be possible and denied the application.
Blacklight appealed that decision to the Court which held that DD Marchant had applied the wrong test and remitted the application back to the UKPTO to apply the test as to whether there was a reasonable prospect that on a full investigation with the benefit of expert evidence GUTCQM will turn out to be a valid theory.[20]
However, DD Marchant conducted the remitted hearing into his own application of the wrong test.[21] He immediately reaffirmed that his conduct of the previous hearing was correct and despite the direction of the Court of Appeal again affirmed that the test he proposed to follow was the "acceptance of GUTCQM as a valid theory by the relevant scientific community" although it was not clear what members of the scientific community he was referring to. As justification he mentioned the billions of dollars spent on rival theories, which although an express contradiction to his findings that the theoretical physics community weren't driven by competition for funding of billions of dollars, was presented by him in his decision as proof that GUTCP must be wrong.
DD Marchant stated:
"Considering the means by which new theories make their way towards general acceptance, this seems to happen in one of two ways. Some theories, once expounded, provide immediate clarification of inconsistencies that have beset the field for a number of years and rapidly become accepted as a new and valid explanation of nature. They usually involve some new unifying principle which explains a number of outstanding problems at a stroke and provides both a new understanding of physical phenomena and startling new insights. Maxwell’s explanation of electrodynamic phenomena, and Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity were such developments.We can be sure that if GUTCQM had provided such a startling unifying principle, it would very quickly have been recognised as such and incorporated into the general view of nature"
This declaration is at odds with past experience of human nature, for example the well known Semmelweiss effect where groundbreaking individuals challenging the status quo are usually attacked, rejected, isolated and discredited by a majority holding to an erroneous position. Finally he stated:
"It does not in my view get off the starting blocks for inclusion among the group of such theories which might eventually turn out to be valid."
The Director's observations are deeply surprising given GUTCP appears to objectively provide such a unifying principle and startling insights. It provides simple closed formulas containing only fundamental constants that predict results verified by experiment that cannot be matched by quantum mechanical algorithms run on supercomputers. It provides clear answers to mysteries and inconsistencies across all areas of physics. It explains the sun's corona, dark matter, the origin of gravity, the accelerating expansion of the Universe, disproves the Big Bang, abolishes string theory, disproves the Higgs Boson and predicts what was actually detected. It does not merely clarify the inconsistencies of physics, it solves them.
If GUTCP does in fact turn out to be valid and the hydrino becomes recognised as an obviously real form of hydrogen that is dark matter and drives the energy release observed for example, in the Sun's corona, then both the USPTO and the UKPTO will necessarily have to undertake a firm reassessment of their conduct of patent hearings as to how such serious mistakes impinging on valuable IP rights of could have been made by an officer exercising such important statutory powers.
In particular the officer's decision to refuse to consider all of the evidence placed before it or be capable of independently analyzing such evidence, to do research by googling or reading popular science books, and to kill off new ideas and methods (by their nature being not widely shared and requiring urgent need of patent protection) by reference to endorsement of incumbent and majority positions without even considering that a majority position is capable of being completely wrong and may be driven to oppose ideas that would negate billions of dollars of funding.
Wikipedia - Slander and Defacement of the Blacklight Power Article by Wikipedia Editors[]
The Wikipedia page on Blacklight Power began as a small uncontroversial article that outlined factual developments in the Company and sought to explain the claimed theoretical basis behind the Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics, plainly stating the theory was not considered mainstream but was based on experimental evidence as well papers published in peer reviewed journals.
Inexplicably the page began to fall under immediate assault by anonymous trolls who removed all reference to peer reviewed journals, experimental evidence and made unproven and defamatory allegations of fraud. The trolls were persons who were granted editorial control of the wiki pages and despite repeated attempts to restrain the article to a fair and neutral factual description continued to make false and malicious accusations against Blacklight Power and its founder Dr. Mills. Protected by their anonymity and by the US Courts decision that Wikipedia was immune to suit to publication made under its banner, it was revealed in numerous arguments in the talk pages that the "editors" considered it their duty to present Blacklight power in a negative and criminal light and banned any person who corrected the numerous omissions, falsehoods and defamation that the page contained or referred to the content as defamatory, claiming that pointing out content was defamatory was a threat of legal action which entitled them to ban any objector.
As Wikipedia is currently immune legal from suit, actions for defamation must be taken against editors personally. As these are anonymous and wikipedia does not assist in either controlling or identifying editors who make up false and malicious content, this proves an impediment to an injured party in attaining justice for reputation and commercially damaging wikipedia content. Interestingly, the immunity granted by the US Courts to Wikipedia which can be accessed globally, does not necessarily extend beyond the United States.
Despite being a public figure, the editors deleted a separate factual and biographical page of Dr. Mills and redirected it to their hacked wiki site, presumably to conceal from public oversight Dr. Mills background, his scholastic and academic achievements as well as his numerous published papers which were and are inconsistent with the defamatory content and the imputation that the editors wished to convey about Dr. Mills.
In 2014, Blacklight sued the anonymous editors of the page, identified only by their pseudonyms. The editors responded by obliterating all reference to the suit from the Blacklight Power wiki and repeated the defamatory content by means of a selectively quoted pastiche of blogs and negative quotes from select scientists who have never tested any aspect of the theoretical and experimental evidence including persons such as Bob Park and Peter Zimmerman who have long been in public conflict with Dr Mills. Many quotes are dishonestly taken out of context from articles in which both sides of the arguments for and against were given equal prominence.
Tellingly, none of the authors of the defamatory quotes cited from the context of the articles in which they were originally made (in some cases more than 20 years ago) have been repeated by the attributed authors since they were made. No recent experimental evidence, peer reviewed papers or material has been permitted to be added or referenced. The misleading article remains locked by the editors making or repeating the defamatory imputations and who continue to preventing any corrections, additions or alterations in express violation of Wikipedia's own claim of open collaboration.
Wiki references to papers by Rathke, Norman Dombey, de Castro and others who triumphantly claim that hydrino states are incompatible with Quantum Mechanics would in fact find no argument from Dr. Mills who has stated from the outset that quantum mechanics is a postulated, inconsistent theory that fails at even basic calculations using a supercomputer which can be solved exactly using GUTCP in closed form equations on a basic PC.
Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy[]
In September 2016, Mr. Brett Holverstott, a former BlackLight Power intern and collaborator with Dr. Mills, published Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy. Mr. Holverstott's book presents a first-hand account of the development of the GUTCP in the context of the philosophical beginnings of quantum mechanics and a study of how new and correct ideas that challenge an incumbent majority position can be vehemently opposed by otherwise rational members of professional communities and the public at large. The book has received largely positive reviews for its approach to a complex topic that can be understood by the average lay reader.
References (GUTCP Article)
(see Combined References)
External Links[]
This contains the publication and edition dates of all books authored by Dr. Randell Mills including the dates of editions. Online editions reflect the date of major updates.
Mills, Randell L., Farrell, John J., THE GRAND UNIFIED THEORY, Mills Technologies, 1990
Mills, Randell L., The UNIFICATION of SPACETIME, the FORCES, MATTER. and ENERGY. Technomics Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, (1992)
Mills, Randell L., The GRAND UNIFIED THEORY of CLASSICAL QUANTUM MECHANICS, Technomics Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, (1995).
Mills, Randell L., The GRAND UNIFIED THEORY of CLASSICAL QUANTUM MECHANICS, Second Edition, Science Press, Ephrata, PA, (1996)
Randell L. Mills, William R. Good, John J. Farrell, Unification of Spacetime, the Forces, Matter and Energy Hardcover – July 31, 1996
The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Quantum Mechanics Hardcover – January 1, 1999 by Dr. Randell L. Mills
The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Quantum Mechanics Hardcover – January 1, 2000 by Dr. Randell L. Mills
Randell L. Mills, The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics - June 2008 Online Edition
Randell L. Mills, The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics - July 2010 Online Edition
Randell L. Mills, The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics - August 2011 Online Edition
Randell L. Mills, The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics - Spring 2014 Online Edition
Patents granted in all jurisdictions by date order[]
Patent Applications pending[]
Patent Applications refused in date order and jurisdiction[]
References (R. Mills Bio)[]
(see Combined References)
External Links[]
Combined References [BLP] [GUTCP] [BIO][]
- ↑ F&M College Reporter: 21 April 1981; 5 May 1981
- ↑ F&M College Reporter, 14 April 1981
- ↑ http://www.fandm.edu/chemistry/endowed-awards-scholarships
- ↑ F&M College Reporter, 5 May 1981 http://www.fandm.edu/physics/michael-albert-lewis-memorial-prize
- ↑ F&M College Reporter, 5 May 1981
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Mills, Randell L. (August 2011). "The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics," August 2011 ed." [BLP]
- ↑ Mina Kimes (July 29, 2008). "BlackLight's physics-defying promise: Cheap power from water". CNNMoney.com
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Fuel's paradise? Power source that turns physics on its head. The Guardian. 4 Nov 2005
- ↑ R.L.Mills, "Reply to 'Comments on Excess Heat Production by the Electrolysis of an Aqueous Potassium Carbonate Electrolyte and the Implications for Cold Fusion',"Fusion Technology,Vol 21,No 1, Jan 1992, p96
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Citation Needed
- ↑ http://www.blacklightpower.com/demonstration-day
- ↑ Haus, H. A. (1986). "On the radiation from point charges". American Journal of Physics 54: 1126.Bibcode:1986AmJPh..54.1126H. doi:10.1119/1.14729.
- ↑ GUTCP 2014 Spring Edition: page 26
- ↑ R. Mills, “The Nature of Free Electrons in Superfluid Helium—a Test of Quantum Mechanics and a Basis to Review its Foundations and Make a Comparison to Classical Theory,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 26, No. 10, (2001), pp. 1059 1096.
- ↑ https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/SocietyforClassicalPhysics/conversations/messages/5903
- ↑ http://physicsessays.org/browse-journal-2/product/373-19-pdf-r-l-mills-b-holverstott-b-good-n-hogle-a-makwana-total-bond-energies-of-exact-classical-solutions-of-molecules-generated-by-millsian-1-0-compared-to-those-computed-using-modern-3-21-g-and-6-31-g-basis-sets.html
- ↑ http://www.villagevoice.com/2000-04-25/news/the-empire-strikes-back/full/
- ↑ http://archive.randi.org/site/jr/092002.html
- ↑ http://www.ipo.gov.uk/p-challenge-decision-results/o11408.pdf
- ↑ Blacklight Power Inc. v The Comptroller-General of Patents[2008] EWCH 2763
- ↑ http://www.ipo.gov.uk/p-challenge-decision-results/o17009.pdf
General Listing of References[]
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